Tuesday, August 11, 2009

There's something about paper

* I have to add this link for an article on the pros and cons of the Kindle that my brother-in-law gave me in my comments section. I found it very interesting and entertaining, too. I hadn't even thought about a Kindle breaking! It reinforced my decision to stick with "dead tree books", at least for now. *

I don't understand my love of paper but it's there. When I was in elementary school and had extra pocket money, I'd buy pens and notebooks. So it shouldn't surprise me that even though I use Pear Budget, an on-line budgeting software, I want to write it out on paper first. I appreciate all the tools of the software and I enjoy using it throughout the month to keep track of what I'm spending. Okay, that's not entirely true. I haven't been consistent at using it throughout the month. I'm working on it. But when it comes time to actually fill out the budget, even though they give me all these nice little categories and boxes, I want to use a paper form.

There is something about holding it in your hand and having a tangible copy that just makes me happy.

That is why I don't think I will ever become a Kindle user. Have you seen these? I haven't actually held one but I can't imagine preferring it to a real book. I see the draw - cheaper than new books, super easy to travel with. But I love actually holding a book and feeling the pages. I won't say I'll never own one. I like technology, too. And the thought of always having a bunch of books all in a neat little gizmo in my purse for whenever I get a spare minute to read is very enticing. But it could never take the place of real books.

So for now, I'll try to combine my love of paper with the modern technologies that make life easier. I'll write out my budget first and then transfer that info over to the budget software. And if someone really wants to buy me a Kindle, I won't refuse it.


Jacob Hall said...

I think you'd have to buy an awful lot of books before the Kindle is actually "cheaper". Just the little device itself is around $400, depending on the size of HD. Then after that its about $10 per book. I believe there's an app for your iPod touch (and iPhone) that will do the same thing as a Kindle...I just found this article with pros and cons of the Kindle -

Angie said...

I agree, especially if you buy books at used bookstores and garage sales. But if you always pay full price ($25 or more for hardcover) then it wouldn't take too long. And for those who travel a lot and don't want to lug a bunch of books, I can see where it would be handy. I do have one app for the ipod touch and downloaded a free book but missed turning the pages. I'll have to check out the article.