Monday, January 11, 2010

Making cookies

I just had Rachel and Owen decorate one cookie before naptime and then let Brendan and Tori do the rest after Rachel and Owen had gone upstairs. They did a great job of decorating and even putting sprinkles on. I decided to keep it simple and just use white frosting. There were lots of colorful sprinkles so the cookies still looked pretty.

Brendan shows off the finished product. I was trying to get a picture of each one frosting but he was too fast.

Look at how serious he is! Frosting cookies is not a joking matter for Owen.

Tori got right up to the edges so there were very few parts of cookie that were left unfrosted.

Rachel had to be encouraged to add more frosting - she really just wanted to get to the sprinkles.
I noticed a big difference in our family from last year to this year. Last year I had two kids and two babies. This year I had 4 kids. It is so much easier to do things with 4 kids! We planned a lot more family activities and it was so nice to be able to include everyone. Rachel and Owen have grown up in a lot of ways.

Soon after their 1st birthday, Josh and I went on a weekend trip with Brendan and Tori to an indoor water park in Frankenmuth. A few months later, we did another short trip to Chicago with just Brendan and Tori. I had thought about doing something like that again but really didn't like the idea of not taking Rachel and Owen. When they were 1, it didn't bother me. But now, I'm ready for our whole family to do things together, not just part of our family. Lots of fun times ahead!

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